April 9, 2008

Wecome to Wahoo

2006 - Bloomsbury

Classic YA. It's a riches-to-rags story of a selfish rich girl who is forced to hide in Wahoo, Nebraska when her family is threatened. She has no money and none of the amenities and services she's grown up with. It's fun to watch her adjust to life in a small town. I also really enjoy that she gets a part-time job in a library and loves it. Great PR for our profession. While she is forced to change, many of her confident traits are a bit of a wake-up and shake-up for her new town.

It's told in a fun and spunky first person with characters that you can truly envision. It also doesn't shy away from some of the hard parts of life in small-town high school. Even though the ending was kind of sudden and I would have loved an epilogue of sorts, I am looking forward to the Carr's next book.

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